Additional programming Galaxy Flex Installer Manual22 Control via TouchCenter (6 ent 1 ent) – set which outputs are controllable from theTouchCenter Output Polarity (3 ent) – switch polarity (the default is positive, switches from +12 Vto 0 V when activated)Communication (56 ent)Where applicable, for each module type (1 to 7 ent): Select format Select trigger events or channels to enable Set account number Set phone number/IP addresses Set up autotest frequency Perform an engineer testTimers (65 ent) Weekly Schedule (1 ent) – assign schedules to required functions Autoset (groups) (3 ent) – select a schedule for each group Timer Outputs (2 ent) – enable timers and assign weekly schedules.Users and access templatesIf full time-controlled access control is required, allocate an access template to every user.An access template is a list of groups and time schedules that provides access to multipleareas and at many set times with only one programming step. This reduces programmingtime and complexity.The Access Template to be used for each user is chosen within each user’s options in theTemplate menu (42 ent 1 ent 9 ent).Access Templates are programmed in the Access Templates menu (45 ent 6 ent), and arefully customisable. In each Access Template, each group must be allocated a time schedule.If no schedule is allocated to a particular group (default) in the list then users will have fullaccess through any doors leading to that group. When a schedule is allocated, access will begranted during the OFF periods of the schedule and denied during the ON periods.