Galaxy Flex Installer Manual Pre-checks [66]175Pre-checks [66]This option provides added system security by alerting the user to zones that may not beoperating correctly.Note: Pre-check does not operate when the system is in the engineer mode.Testing ZonesThe entry/exit horns beep once when each zone is tested. As each zone is successfullytested, the keypad indicates the number that remains to be tested. When the last zone issuccessfully tested the entry/exit horn sounds twice and the keypad displays 0 CHECKZONES; press ent to resume the system routine.1=ModeThe Mode determines the pre-check level that the selected zones are subjected to before thesystem can set. The Mode is selected from one of the following:Disabled (default): the pre-check option is disabled; even if zones are selected, they are notchecked.Warning: when the setting routine is started the user is informed of the number of selectedpre-check zones that have not been activated since the system was unset. Press A or B toview the zones. Press ent to continue the setting routine. The zones that have not beenactivated do not have to be tested.Autocheck: when the setting routine is started the user is informed of the number ofselected pre-check zones that have not been activated since the system was unset and awarning is sounded; press the A or B keys to view the zones. These zones must be testedbefore setting can be resumed.Forced Check: when the setting routine is started the keypad indicates the number of pre-check zones that are on the system; to view the pre-check zone addresses press A or B. Allof the preselected zones must be tested before setting can take place.2=Select ZonesWhen you select the option, the address and function of the first zone on the system isdisplayed. Use A or B to select a zone, or enter the zone address directly. To toggle thestatus of the pre-check attribute of the zone press #. The keypad indicates that the zone isincluded in the pre-check by displaying PRE-CHECK ZONE. Select other zones to be pre-checked in the same way. Once all of the zones have been selected, press esc.0 CHECK ZONESENT=VIEW16 CHECK ZONESA=VIEW