Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS L6000 4-21Preparing the Cover Page BackgroundThe cover page background provides the permanent information and anygraphics you want included on your cover page. You then position thevariable fields in the appropriate locations on the background. Forexample, for your background, you may want to include heading text thatprovides your company name and address information, labels for thevariables fields (such as To: and From:), and one or more graphics that mayrepresent your company logo or your signature. The background you planto use with the Cover Page Designer must beblack and white, and must be saved in a TIFF file format.The following instructions provide the recommended procedure forpreparing a cover page background. Using the recommended procedures,you process a document (created by a word processing application) as aheld fax. Once the document is in the Desktop Manager, you export thedocument to save it in a TIFF file format. The TIFF file can then be usedas the background for a new cover page.m In a word processing application (such as Word forWindows), create a full-page, black-and-white documentthat includes the desired features of your background:heading text, field labels, and any graphics or pictures.m When you have completed the document, print thedocument using the Canon MultiPASS L6000 Fax driver.To do so, click the Print command. In the Print dialog box,select Canon MultiPASS L6000 Fax as the printer, andclick the command to print (usually OK or Print).m Select None as the cover page to attach. Then click Hold.m Once the fax document is placed on hold, open the OutBox Folder in the Desktop Manager.Specify andhold the fax.2Create andprint yourbackground.1Sending Faxes