7-8 Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager Chapter 7Renaming a Document or FolderYou can rename a user-defined folder or a document at any time. Foldernames must be unique within the Desktop Manager. Document namesmust be unique within a folder.Whenever you attempt to rename a folder or document, the system verifieswhether the new name is unique. In the event of a conflict, the systemalerts you of the conflict. A folder or document name can contain blankspaces.m To rename a document, click the document. Then, on the File menu,click Rename. In the Rename dialog box, enter the new name andthen click OK.m To rename a folder, simply click the folder name and enter the newname in the highlighted rectangle.Deleting a Document or FolderYou can delete a document or user-defined folder when it is no longerneeded.When deleting a document, you can delete the document permanently,which removes the document from the Desktop Manager immediately.You can also move it to the Trash folder where it is stored until you laterdecide you want to delete it permanently, or empty the Trash folder.When deleting a folder, you must first delete all documents from thefolder. You can delete only user-defined folders.m To delete a document permanently, open the folder with thedocument you want to delete and click the document. Then, on theEdit menu, click Delete.m To delete a folder, delete all documents from the folder you want todelete. Then click the folder. On the Edit menu, click Delete.