72• To enable or disable InARP for all virtual circuits of interfaces, use the command without anyparameter.• To enable or disable InARP for the specified virtual circuit, use the command with the dlci-numberargument.• Enabling InARP on an interface or subinterface also enables InARP on all virtual circuits of theinterface or subinterface. In this case, to disable InARP on a specific virtual circuit of the interface orsubinterface, use undo fr inarp ip dlci-number command.• Using the undo fr inarp command to disable InARP on an interface also disables InARP on all thevirtual circuits on the interface. In this case, to enable InARP on a specific virtual circuit of theinterface, use the fr inarp ip dlci-number command.• Enabling InARP on an interface also enables InARP on all its subinterfaces.Examples# Enable InARP at all PVCs of the frame relay interface Serial 4/1/8:10. system-view[Sysname] interface Serial 4/1/8:10[Sysname-Serial4/1/8:10] fr inarpfr interface-typeSyntaxfr interface-type { dce | dte }undo fr interface-typeViewInterface viewDefault level2: System levelParametersdce: Sets the frame relay interface type to DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment).dte: Sets the frame relay interface type to DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).DescriptionUse the fr interface-type command to set the frame relay interface type.Use the undo fr interface-type command to restore the default frame relay interface type.By default, the frame relay interface type is DTE.In frame relay, two communicating parties, the user side and the network side, exist. The user side iscalled “Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)”, and the network side is called “Data CommunicationsEquipment (DCE)”. If the router is used for frame relay switching, the frame relay interface should operatein DCE mode.Examples# Set the type of the frame relay interface Serial 4/1/8:10 to DCE. system-view[Sysname] interface Serial 4/1/8:10[Sysname-Serial4/1/8:10] fr interface-type dce