46Examples# Set the minimum MP packet size for fragmentation to 500 bytes. system-view[Sysname] interface Mp-group4/1/28[Sysname-Mp-group4/1/28] ppp mp min-fragment 500ppp mp mp-groupSyntaxppp mp mp-group mp-numberundo ppp mpViewSynchronous serial interface viewDefault level2: System levelParametersmp-number: MP-group interface number.DescriptionUse the ppp mp mp-group command to add the current interface to an MP-group and enable theinterface to operate in MP mode.Use the undo ppp mp mp-group command to remove the current interface from the specified MP-groupit belongs to.This command should be used along with the interface mp-group command. However, the order inwhich the two commands are executed can be either one. That is, you can create an MP-group interfaceand then add an interface to the MP-group; or add the interface to the MP-group and then create theMP-group.NOTE:• Only physical interfaces can be added to an MP group. Logical interfaces (such as Tunnel interfaces) donot support the ppp mp mp-group command.• The number of timeslots assigned to each bundled serial interface must be the same. Otherwise, theserial interfaces cannot join the MP group and their states transition between up and down repeatedly.• Before deleting an MP bundle, you must first remove all the serial interfaces from the MP group, that is,bring the MP group down. Otherwise, the MP-group interface cannot be removed.Examples# Add interface Serial 4/1/9/1:0 to MP-group 4/1/28. system-view[Sysname] interface Serial 4/1/9/1:0[Sysname-Serial4/1/9/1:0] ppp mp Mp-group 4/1/28