35Default level2: System levelParametersip-address: IP address to be assigned to the peer router.pool [ pool-number ]: Specifies the number of the address pool used for assigning an IP address to thepeer. The pool-number argument ranges from 0 to 99 and defaults to 0.DescriptionUse the remote address command to set the IP address to be assigned to the peer router or specify theaddress pool used for assigning an IP address to the peer router.Use undo remote address to remove the IP address to be assigned to the peer router.By default, an interface does not assign IP address to the peer router.The remote address command can be used when the local router is configured with an IP address, whilethe peer has no IP address. To enable the peer router to accept the IP address assigned to it by the localrouter, configure the ip address ppp-negotiate command on the peer router in addition to configuring theremote address command on the local router.CAUTION:• The IP address assigned to the peer router by the local router is not mandatory on the peer router. Thatis, the peer router can still use a locally configured IP address even if the local router assigned one to it.To make the IP address assigned by the local router mandatory, configure the ppp ipcp remote-addressforced command.• After you use the remote address command to assign an IP address for the peer router, you cannotconfigure the remote address/undo remote address command for the peer again unless the peerreleases the assigned IP address. Therefore, it is recommended that you shut down the port to release theassigned IP address before you configure the remote address/undo remote address command for thepeer. However, after you use the command to assign an IP address to the peer from the address pool ofthe specified domain through AAA authentication, you can configure the command for the peer again.In this case, the originally assigned IP address can still work, and the newly assigned IP address is usedwhen the original one is released or used by a new PPP access.• This command takes effect in the next IPCP negotiation. To make the remote address command takeeffect, it is recommended that you configure the remote address command before configuring the ipaddress command.Related commands: ip address ppp-negotiate and ppp ipcp remote-address forced.Examples# Configure the IP address to be assigned to the peer router through Serial 4/1/9/1:0 as system-view[Sysname] interface Serial 4/1/9/1:0[Sysname-Serial4/1/9/1:0] remote address holdSyntaxtimer hold secondsundo timer hold