24Parametersoutput-pcr: Peak cell rate (PCR) in kbps of outputting ATM cells. For the value ranges of this argument,see Table 6.output-scr: Sustainable cell rate in kbps of outputting ATM cells. Its value ranges are the same as thoseof the output-pcr argument.output-mbs: Maximum burst size for ATM cell output, that is, the maximum number of ATM cells that theoutput interface can cache. The value ranges from 1 to 512.DescriptionUse the service vbr-nrt command to specify the service type of the current PVC as non-real-time variablebit rate (nrt_VBR) and specify the related rate parameters.Use the undo service command to restore the default.The default service type of a PVC is UBR.You can configure the service type and related rate parameters for a PVC with this command, the serviceubr command, the service vbr-rt command, or the service cbr command. The new configuration willoverwrites the old configuration.Setting of the arguments output-scr and output-mbs does not take effect on the router.Related commands: service ubr, service vbr-rt, and service cbr.Examples# Create a PVC named aa, with the VPI/VCI of 1/101. system-view[Sysname] interface Atm 3/1/1[Sysname-Atm3/1/1] pvc aa 1/101# Specify the service type of the PVC as nrt_VBR, setting the peak cell rate to 100000 kbps, thesustainable bit rate to 50000 kbps, and the maximum burst size to 320 cells.[Sysname-atm-pvc-Atm3/1/1-1/101-aa] service vbr-nrt 100000 50000 320service vbr-rtSyntaxservice vbr-rt output-pcr output-scr output-mbsundo serviceViewPVC viewDefault level2: System levelParametersoutput-pcr: Peak cell rate (PCR) in kbps of outputting ATM cells. For the value ranges of this argument,see Table 6.output-scr: Sustainable cell rate (SCR) in kbps of outputting ATM cells. Its value ranges are the same asthose of the output-pcr argument.