69DLCI = 100, USAGE = LOCAL (0010), MFR3/1/6create time = 2010/12/11 10:13:40, status = ACTIVEin BECN = 0, in FECN = 0in packets = 0, in bytes = 0out packets = 0, out bytes = 0PVC statistics for interface MFR3/1/100 (DTE, physical DOWN)DLCI = 100, USAGE = LOCAL (0010), MFR3/1/100create time = 2010/12/11 10:13:41, status = INACTIVEin BECN = 0, in FECN = 0in packets = 0, in bytes = 0out packets = 0, out bytes = 0PVC statistics for interface Serial3/1/4:0 (DCE, physical UP)DLCI = 104, USAGE = LOCAL (0010), Serial3/1/4:0create time = 2010/12/11 10:13:41, status = ACTIVEin BECN = 0, in FECN = 0in packets = 0, in bytes = 0out packets = 0, out bytes = 0Table 15 Output descriptionField DescriptionPVC statistics for interfaceMFR3/1/1 (DCE, physical UP)Display information about PVCs on frame relay interface MFR 3/1/1.The interface operates in DTE mode. The physical state of the interface isup.DLCI = 1001, USAGE = LOCAL(0010), MFR3/1/1DLCI 1001 was assigned to the PVC through negotiation of LMI with DCEend. Its state is local, and it belongs to interface MFR 3/1/1.create time = 2010/12/1110:13:40, status = ACTIVE Date and time creating the PVC and the state of the PVC.in BECN = 0, in FECN = 0 Received BECNs and FECNs.in packets = 0, in bytes = 0 Received frames and bytes.out packets = 0, out bytes = 0 Sent frames and bytes.display fr statisticsSyntaxdisplay fr statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include }regular-expression ]ViewAny viewDefault level1: Monitor levelParametersinterface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. This interfacemust be a main interface.