57Member State Bandwidth(kbps) PriorityPos5/1/1 S 622080 1Pos5/1/2 S 622080 2Table 9 Output descriptionField Descriptionbundle Name of the HDLC link bundle.slot Number of the interface board whose HDLC link bundling informationis displayed.max-active linksLimit on the number of selected member interfaces in the HDLC linkbundle (This field will not be displayed if you have not limited thenumber of selected member interfaces in the HDLC link bundle).min-active linksNumber of selected member interfaces required to bring up the HDLClink bundle (This field will not be displayed if you have not set thenumber of selected member interfaces required to bring up the HDLClink bundle).min-active bandwidthMinimum amount of bandwidth required to bring up the HDLC linkbundle (This field will not be displayed if you have not set theminimum amount of bandwidth required to bring up the HDLC linkbundle).Selected members Current number of selected member interfaces.total bandwidth Total bandwidth of all the selected member interfaces in the HDLC linkbundle.Member Name of a member interface.State: S -- Selected, R -- Ready, N --Negotiated, I -- InitialState of a member interface, which can be:• S—Selected (On an interface board, only information aboutmember interfaces in this state will be displayed)• R—Ready• N—Negotiated• I—InitialBandwidth(kbps) Bandwidth (in kbps) of a member interface.Priority Bundling priority of a member interface.display interface hdlc-bundleSyntaxdisplay interface hdlc-bundle bundle-id [ brief ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]display interface [ hdlc-bundle ] [ brief [ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]ViewAny viewDefault level1: Monitor level