56Emergency Recording(Time Lapse Recording)The Emergency Recording is given priority to record allvideo inputs in Time Lapse Recording reacting to a signalinput form the CONTROL port.These items let you determine the recording parameters forTime Lapse Recording when the input signal is receivedfrom pin 21 of the CONTROL port located on the rear of theDisk Recorder.1. Move the cursor to EMERGENCY in the WJ-HD500SETUP menu by pressing the D or C button.2. Select either audio recording function by pressing the+ or - button, then press the SET button.The selected EMERGENCY REC SETUP menu shownbelow appears on the monitor screen.3. Move the cursor to the EMERGENCY REC MODE para-meter in the menu by pressing the D or C button, thenselect the desired recording time mode by pressing the+ or - button.SF-✽✽H or SF-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in enhanced fine quality.FQ-✽✽H or FQ-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in fine quality.NQ-✽✽H or NQ-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in normal quality.EX-✽✽H or EX-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in extended time quality.SP or SP-A*: Freely selectable✽✽ indicates the hours for recording time mode:2, 12, 18, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480,720, 960, 1200, 1440, 2160, 2880, 3600, 4320,6480, 8640(parameter A* indicates recording with audio)When the parameter SF/FQ/NQ/EX is selected forrecording time, the recording rate and quality are auto-matically set according to the selected recording time.Note: It may not be possible to set the recording time,depending on the remaining storage capacity of thehard disk.The factory default setting is SF-24H.4. If the parameter SP is selected for the recording time,move the cursor to the REC RATE parameter by press-ing the D or C button, then select the desired record-ing rate by pressing the + or - button.1 - 60FPS: Records the selected number of freezeimages every second.0.5FPS: Records a freeze image every 2 seconds.0.4FPS: Records a freeze image every 2.5 seconds.0.3FPS: Records a freeze image every 3.3 seconds.0.2FPS: Records a freeze image every 5 seconds.0.1FPS: Records a freeze image every 10 seconds.Notes:• The maximum recording rate depends on theselected parameters in the COMMON SETUP menuas shown in the table.FIELD/FRAME CAMERA GENLOCK REC RATEFIELD ON 60FPSOFF 30FPSFRAME 3DIM ON 10FPSON OFF 10FPSFRAME 3DIM ON 30FPSOFF OFF 15FPS• “FPS” indicates as field per second or frame persecond when the FIELD/FRAME parameter is set toFIELD or FRAME in the menu.Move the cursor to the REC QUALITY parameter bypressing the D or C button, then select a recordingimage quality by pressing the + or - button.SUPER FINE: For enhanced sharpness (CompressionRate 1/6)FINE: For fine image quality (Compression Rate 1/10)NORMAL: For normal image quality (Compression Rate1/16)EXTENDED: For extended time recording quality(Compression Rate 1/25)5. Move the cursor to the DURATION parameter by press-ing the D or C button, then select the recording dura-tion by pressing the + or - button.2S - 6M: Enables recording for between 2 seconds and6 minutes.MANUAL: Enables recording while the input signal isreceived from the CONTROL port.CONTINUE: Enables recording until the REC STOP but-ton is pressed.The factory default setting is 10S.6. Press the SETUP/ESC button to return to the previousWJ-HD500 SETUP menu.4 EMERGENCY REC SETUP(WITHOUT AUDIO)EMERGENCY REC MODE SF- 24HREC RATE 7.5FPSREC QUALITY SUPER FINEDURATION 10S