54 Multi Shot Recording (Internal Timer)As described before, the Multi Shot Recording is an eventrecording function reacting to an alarm input.It records the number of images in pre- and post-recording.Pre-recording is the recorded images during standby, priorto the input of the alarm signal.Post-recording is the recorded images after the input of thealarm signal.These items let you determine the recording parameters forMulti Shot Recording assigned in the program numbermenu.(continued from Program Timer)1. Select the recording mode M/S in the program numbermenu by pressing the + or - button, then press theSET button.The selected Multi Shot Recording menu as shownbelow appears on the monitor screen.2. Move the cursor to the TRIGGER ACTION parameter inthe menu by pressing the D or C button, then selectan active mode for group cameras when an alarm isreceived by pressing the + or - button.REC+ALM: Enables alarm recording and alarm activa-tion.REC: Enables only alarm recording.The ALARM display on the monitor is also disabled.The factory default setting is REC+ALM.3. Move the cursor to the REC RATE parameter in themenu by pressing the D or C button, then select thedesired recording rate by pressing the + or - button.1 - 60FPS: Records the selected number of freezeimages every second.0.5FPS: Records a freeze image every 2 seconds.0.4FPS: Records a freeze image every 2.5 seconds.0.3FPS: Records a freeze image every 3.3 seconds.0.2FPS: Records a freeze image every 5 seconds.0.1FPS: Records a freeze image every 10 seconds.The factory default setting is 15FPS.Notes:• The maximum recording rate depends on theselected parameters in the COMMON SETUP menuas shown in the table.FIELD/FRAME CAMERA GENLOCK REC RATEFIELD ON 60FPSOFF 30FPSFRAME 3DIM ON 10FPSON OFF 10FPSFRAME 3DIM ON 30FPSOFF OFF 15FPS• “FPS” indicates as field per second or frame persecond when the FIELD/FRAME parameter is set toFIELD or FRAME in the menu.4. Move the cursor to the REC QUALITY parameter bypressing the D or C button, then select a recordingimage quality by pressing the + or - button.SUPER FINE: For enhanced sharpness (CompressionRate 1/6)FINE: For fine image quality (Compression Rate 1/10)NORMAL: For normal image quality (Compression Rate1/16)EXTENDED: For extended recording quality (Compres-sion Rate 1/25)The factory default setting is SUPER FINE.5. Move the cursor to the PRE PICTURES parameter bypressing the D or C button, then select a number ofthe pre-recording image by pressing the + or - but-ton.0: Disables pre-recording.4 to maximum: Sets the number of images for pre-recording.• The maximum number of the pre-recording is deter-mined by the setting of FIELD/FRAME and REC QUALI-TY.The factory default setting is 15.The value that appears underneath the number of pre-recording images indicates the number of images to berecorded per assigned group camera (number of pre-recording images divided by number of the assignedgroup cameras).6. Move the cursor to the POST PICTURES parameter bypressing the D or C button, then select a number ofthe post-recording image by pressing the + or - but-ton.4 to 200: Sets the number of images for post-recording.The factory default setting is 60.3-1-1-1 PROG1-NO1-G1 REC SETUPM/S(EVENT:MULTI SHOT)TRIGGER ACTION REC+ALMREC MODEREC RATE 15FPSREC QUALITY SUPER FINEPRE PICTURES 15XXX.X/CAMPOST PICTURES 60DYNAMIC REC OFFAUTO COPY OFF