2 - NAV PAGES44Terrain SymbolsThe symbols on the previous page are used torepresent obstacles and potential impact points on theTerrain Page. Note that obstacle symbols are shown ondisplay zoom ranges up to 10 NM:Color InterpretationThe Garmin TERRAIN system uses black, yellow,and red to depict terrain information relative to aircraftaltitude.General Database InformationThe Garmin TERRAIN system uses terrain andobstacle information supplied by government sources.The data undergoes verification by Garmin to confirmaccuracy of the content, per TSO-C151b. However, theinformation displayed should never be understood tobe all-inclusive. Pilots must familiarize themselveswith the appropriate charts for safe flight.NOTE: The data contained in the terrain andobstacle databases comes from governmentagencies. Garmin accurately processes and cross-validates the data, but cannot guarantee theaccuracy and completeness of the data.The terrain/obstacle databases are contained on adatacard which is inserted in the right-most slot of the400W Series units.Database VersionsThe version and area of coverage of each ter-rain/obstacle database is shown on the Terrain Data-base Versions Page, located in the AUX Page Group.Databases are checked for integrity at power-up. If adatabase is found to be missing and/or deficient, theTERRAIN system fails the self-test and issues a failuremessage.TERRAIN Database InformationDatabase UpdatesTerrain/obstacle databases are updated periodi-cally with the latest terrain and obstacle data. Visit theGarmin website to check for newer versions of terrain/obstacle databases. Compare database cycle numbersto determine if a newer version is available.The database update process includes eitherreprogramming or replacing the database card andinserting the updated card in the right card slot on theunit front panel. The terrain/obstacle database maybe downloaded via the intenet and the card repro-grammed using a USB programmer available fromGarmin. Contact Garmin at 800-800-1020 or at www.garmin.com for more information.Terrain Operation