2 - NAV PAGES42The TERRAIN Page has two selectable viewsettings:• 360˚ View—View from above aircraft depictingsurrounding terrain on all sides• 120˚ View—View of terrain ahead of and 60˚ toeither side of the aircraft flight pathTERRAIN PageNOTE: The TERRAIN Page gives a “Track Up” dis-play orientation, as indicated by the “TRK” labelshown on the display. This is the only orientationavailable on this page.To display a 120˚ view:1. Select the TERRAIN Page and press MENU.2. Select “View 120˚?”.3. Press ENT. To switch back to a 360˚ view,repeat step 1, select “View 360˚?”, and pressENT.Seven display ranges are available, allowing for amore complete view of the surrounding area.To change the display range:1. Select the TERRAIN Page and press up or downon the RNG key to select the desired range:1 NM, 2 NM, 5 NM, 10 NM, 25 NM, 50 NM,100 NM.Aviation information such as airports, VORs,and other navaids can be turned on or off from theTERRAIN Page.To show or hide aviation data:1. Select the TERRAIN Page and press MENU.2. Select “Show (or Hide) Aviation Data” andpress ENT. Pressing the CLR key when theTERRAIN Page is displayed will also toggleaviation information on or off.Inhibit ModeThe Garmin TERRAIN system provides an“inhibit mode”. This mode is designed to deactivatePremature Descent Alert/Forward Looking TerrainAvoidance (PDA/FLTA) visual alerts when they aredeemed unnecessary by the pilot. Flying VFR intoan area where unique terrain exists could cause thesystem to annunciate a nuisance alert. Pilots shoulduse discretion when inhibiting the TERRAIN systemand always remember to enable the system whenappropriate. When terrain is inhibited, the Terrainpage will still be active, but alerts and messages willnot be generated. See the Terrain Alerts section formore information on terrain alerts.Inhibiting TerrainTerrain Operation