11 - MESSAGESABBREVIATIONS &NAV TERMS177Section 11Messages, Abbreviations, andNavigation TerminologyMessagesThe 400W-series unit uses a flashing “MSG” annunciatorat the bottom of the screen (directly above the MSG key) toalert you of any important information or warnings. Whilemost messages are advisory in nature, warning messagesmay require your intervention.Whenever the “MSG” annunciator flashes, press theMSG key to display the message, when pilot workloadallows. Press MSG again to return to the previous page.The following is a list of available messages and theirmeanings:ABORT APPROACH — Loss of Navigation — Executemissed approach using other navigation equipment.Airport terrain database integrity error — The 400W-series unit has detected a problem with a database on theTAWS/Terrain data card. The message “database integrity error” indicates the data base in error.The data is not usable and the card should be returned toyour Garmin dealer.Airspace ahead — less than 10 minutes — Your GPS-calculated course is projected to enter a special use airspacewithin 10 minutes. This message is automatically disabledwithin 30 nautical miles of an arrival airport, when anapproach is loaded.Airspace near and ahead — Your GPS-calculated posi-tion is within 2 nautical miles of the boundary of a specialuse airspace and your course is projected to enter theairspace within 10 minutes. This message is automaticallydisabled within 30 nautical miles of an arrival airport, whenan approach is loaded.All data referenced to True North — the unit’s Headingmode has been set to “True” in the AUX Setup pages.Approach downgraded — Use LNAV minima — Thismessage will occur 60 seconds prior to the FAF if flyingLNAV+V, L/VNAV, or LPV approaches and WAAS integrityparameters have fallen below minimal limits. As a result,vertical guidance has been discontinued and the LPV,LNAV+V, or L/VNAV approach you were flying has beendowngraded.Approach is not active — The approach could nottransition to “active”, at 2 nautical miles or closer to theFAF. Verify that “SUSP” DOES NOT appear directly abovethe OBS key, indicating the auto waypoint sequencing issuspended.Approaching target altitude — The current GPS-com-puted altitude is within 500 feet of the final Vertical Naviga-tion target altitude.Approaching VNAV profile — You are within one minuteof reaching the initial Vertical Navigation descent point.APR Guidance Available - Use PROC before A/P APR— For units configured with the KAP140 or KFC225autopilot, this message reminds pilots, when they turnon course to the FAF, that they need to enable autopilotoutputs (by pressing PROC and selecting “Enable A/P APROutputs?”) before switching the autopilot control panel toAPR.Arrival at waypoint [waypoint name] — You are withinthe arrival alarm circle for the indicated waypoint. The sizeof the arrival alarm circle is defined from the “CDI / alarms”menu option on the Setup Page.Aviation database integrity error — The 400W-seriesunit has detected a problem with a database on theNavData® card. The message “ databaseintegrity error” indicates the data base in error. The data isnot usable and the card should be returned to Jeppesen oryour Garmin dealer for service.Bad geometry, parallel offset not activated — paralleloffset is not activated because of flight plan geometry.