5 - PROCEDURES93DME Arc ApproachFlying a DME Arc ApproachThe GPS overlay for a DME arc approach usesadditional Jeppesen-provided waypoints to define thearc. These waypoints are indicated by “D” as the firstletter in the waypoint name. This is followed by threenumbers which indicate the radial the waypoint lieson. The last letter indicates the radius of the arc.DO NOT USEFOR NAVIGATIONBillard Muni (Topeka, KS)VOR or GPS Rwy 22NOTE: As this manual was being written, the let-ter/number DME arc names were being replacedwith standard five-letter intersection names. Youmay encounter either naming convention for anapproach you select.When you are cleared for a DME arc approach, youmay do one of the following to intercept the arc:• Follow a specified radial inbound to intercept theIAF.• Fly directly to the IAF at the beginning of thearc.• Follow ATC vectors which allow you to interceptthe arc at any point along the arc.This example is based upon a flight from Hutchin-son (Kansas) Municipal (KHUT) to Billard Municipal(KTOP) in Topeka, Kansas. The VOR/DME runway 22approach will be selected, along with “D258G” as theIAF.1. Select Billard Muni (KTOP) as your destination,via the Direct-To key or as the last waypointin a flight plan.2. Press the PROC key and select the “VOR 22”approach. From the transitions window, select“LEBVY” as the IAF. Also, select “Load?” (or“Activate?”, if already cleared direct to the IAFfor the approach).3. Within 31 nautical miles of KTOP, the 400W-series unit will switch from en route mode toterminal mode and the CDI scale will transitionfrom 2.0 to 1.0 nautical miles, full scale deflec-tion.