3TAKEOFF TOURE The enter key (ENT) is used to approve anoperation or complete data entry. It is alsoused to confirm information, such as duringpower on.d The large right knob is used to selectbetween the various page groups: NAV, WPT,AUX or NRST. With the on-screen cursorenabled, the large right knob allows you tomove the cursor about the page.a The small right knob (CRSR) is used toselect between the various pages within oneof the groups listed above. Press this knobmomentarily to display the on-screen cursor.The cursor allows you to enter data and/ormake a selection from a list of options.Key and Knob FunctionsRight-hand Keys and KnobsRight-hand Keys and KnobsR The range key (RNG) allows you to selectthe desired map scale. Use the up arrow sideof the key to zoom out to a larger area, orthe down arrow side to zoom in to a smallerarea.D The direct-to key provides access to thedirect-to function, which allows you to entera destination waypoint and establishes adirect course to the selected destination. SeeSection 3.m The MENU key displays a context-sensitivelist of options. This options list allows youto access additional features or make settingschanges which relate to the currently dis-played page.c The clear key (CLR) is used to erase infor-mation or cancel an entry. Press and holdthis key to immediately display the DefaultNavigation Page, regardless of which page iscurrently displayed.