7 - NRST PAGES140Nearest AirspacesTo quickly tune an FSS’s frequency from the near-est flight service station page:1. Select the nearest flight service station pageand press the small right knob to activate thecursor.2. Turn the small right knob to scroll throughthe list, selecting the desired FSS.3. Turn the large right knob to scroll downthe page, highlighting the desired frequency(COM frequency[s] or VOR frequency for duplexoperation).4. Press ENT to place the selected frequency in thestandby field of the COM or VLOC window.5. Press the COM flip-flop or VLOC flip-flopkey, as appropriate, to activate the selectedfrequency.6. Press the small right knob to remove theflashing cursor.Nearest Airspace PageThe last page in the NRST group, the nearest air-space page, will alert you to as many as nine controlledor special use airspaces near or in your flight path.Alerts are provided according to the following condi-tions:• If your projected course will take you inside anairspace within the next ten minutes, the alertmessage “Airspace ahead -- less than 10 min-utes” will appear. The nearest airspace page willshow the airspace as “Ahead”.• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspaceand your current course will take you inside, themessage “Airspace near and ahead” will appear.The nearest airspace page will show “Within 2nmof airspace”.• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspaceand your current course will not take you inside,the message “Near airspace less than 2nm” willappear. The nearest airspace page will show theairspace as “Ahead < 2nm”.• If you have entered an airspace, the message“Inside Airspace” will appear. The nearest air-space page will show “Inside of airspace”.