5 - PROCEDURES10715. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” will appearabove the OBS key, indicating that automaticsequencing of approach waypoints will besuspended at the MAP.DO NOT USE FORNAVIGATIONAs you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appearsabove the OBS key, indicating that auto-matic sequencing of approach waypoints issuspended at the MAP. A “FROM” indicationis displayed on the Default NAV Page, butcourse guidance along the final approachcourse continues. Do NOT follow this extendedcourse. Follow published missed approachprocedures using the OBS key to initiate themissed approach sequence.NOTE: In addition to using the OBS key to initi-ate the missed approach sequence, you may wishto press the CDI key to manually switch externalCDI output to the GPS receiver. “GPS” will beindicated above the CDI key. If you leave theexternal CDI output on “VLOC” and are using anexternal CDI (not an HSI), expect reverse sensingon the back course of the ILS.Selecting an LPV ApproachFor this example, we’ll use a flight from EugeneOregon (KEUG) to Salem Oregon (KSLE) and selectthe RNAV runway 31 approach. “GLORR” intersectionis selected as the IAF. Of course, vectors-to-final couldalso be selected, as previously described for the non-precision approach examples.1. With Salem (KSLE) as your destination in yourflight plan, press the PROC key and select the“RNAV 31 Z (GPS) ” approach.2. From the transitions field, select “GLORR” asthe IAF. Review and execute the modified flightplan. Go direct to GLORR when cleared “DirectGLORR” for the approach.3. Press the PROC key to display the ProceduresLPV Approach