OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 APRIL 2007MMC: 203 ASSIGN UA DEVICEDESCRIPTION:Assigns ringing device to be accessed when a Universal Answer (UA) key is pressedor the UA pickup code is dialed. UA assignment is made in MMC 601 Assign StationGroup for a group and then the group is entered here. The device type isautomatically determined by the directory number (DN) entered.NOTE: Only one of the above options can be selected. If the ability to ring more thanone item (e.g., all four external page zones) is required, a station group containing allfour zone codes must be created.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter DN of selected deviceSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRANSFER 203Display shows current assignmentASSIGN UA PORTNONE-NO UA2. Dial DN of UA device (e.g., 205)ORASSIGN UA PORT205 -STATIONUse UP and DOWN keys to scroll throughavailable devices.3. Press TRANSFER to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to nextMMC.DEFAULT DATA: NONERELATED ITEMS: MMC 204 COMMON/LOUD BELL CONTROLMMC 601 ASSIGN STATION GROUPMMC 605 ASSIGN EXTERNAL PAGE ZONE