OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 MAY 2009MMC: 501TIMER NAME DEFAULT RANGEPARK RCALL TIME 45 SEC 0–250 SECAP-MMC LOCK OUT 5 MIN 01–60 MINPERI UCD REPORT 05 SEC 03-99 SECPOWER DOWN TIME 2000 MS 1000–9000 MSRECALL DISCONECT 002 MIN 1–250 SECRECALL WAIT TIME 15 SEC 000–250 SECROUTE OPTIMIZE 10 SEC 0–250 SECSMDR START/DP 30 SEC 1–250 SECSMDR START/DTMF 15 SEC 1–250 SECSYS HOLD RECALL 45 SEC 0–250 SECTRANSFER RECALL 20 SEC 0–250 SECTRK AUTOMOH DISC 60 SEC 001-250 SECTSW CONN. DEL 00 SEC 00–10 SECUCDS AUDIO ALARM 0 SEC 0–990 SECUCDS VISUAL ALAM 0 SEC 0–990 SECVOIP RE-ROUTE TM 5 SEC 2–25 SEC*Also used for wake-up calls.TIMER DESCRIPTIONSALARM TIMER This is the time the system alarm key will start ringing afterthe alarm key has been silenced.ALERT TONE TIMER This timer sets the duration of the attention tone preceding acall to a keyset in the Voice Announce or Auto Answermode. This tone will also precede a forced Auto Answer call.ALM REM INTERVAL This timer controls the time length between ring attempts ata station when alarm reminder is set. (Also used for wake-upcalls).ALM REM RING OFF This timer controls the length of the ring cycle duration whenalarm reminder is set at a station. (Also used for wake-upcalls).ATT RECALL TIME This is the length of time a transfer recall (hold or transfer)will ring at an idle station before recalling the operator.AUTO REDIAL INT This timer controls the time between attempts after RETRYdialing is set on a station.AUTO REDIAL RLS This timer controls the duration of a Ring No Answercondition on a retry number dialed before the auto redial isautomatically canceled.