OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 MAY 2009MMC: 820 ASSIGN SYSTEM LINK IDDESCRIPTION:This MMC is used to assign the system link ID for QSIG and IP networking. In thecase of IP networking this MMC is also used to set the IP address and other settingsrelated to the various network links, or “nodes”.OPTION DESCRIPTIONLINK ID This is the unique system identifier associated with a networknode.SIGNAL G/W This field is the IP address used to connect to the network node.TIME SYNC This option allows the OfficeServ 7100 to sync the internal clock toan IP network node.IP TYPE This field determines if an IP network node is PUBLIC or PRIVATEin relation to the OfficeServ 7100. PRIVATE references a devicethat is on the same subnet, PUBLIC references a device on adifferent subnet.NODE NAME This field sets a name to associate with a network node. This fieldis mainly for technician reference and is not used elsewhere in thesystem.NO MGI This option determines is communications with this IP networknode should use MPS channels or MGI channels. The defaultsetting of OFF means that only MGI channels will be used. ONmeans that MPS channels will be used.NOTE: This option is only displayed if the MPS SERVICE isENABLED in MMC 861.CODEC This field determines the audio codec to use when communicatingwith an IP network node. The default setting is G729a. Availablealternatives are G711u-law and G711a-law.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to delete an entry