106106Access the camera using the HTTPS protocolStep 1Start up the web browser.Step 2Enter the IP address of the camera in the address boxof the browser.Example of entry:• When the HTTPS port number is changed from"443", enter "https://IP address of the camera + :(colon) + port number" in the address box of thebrowser.(Example:• When the PC is in a local network, configure theproxy server setting of the web browser (under"Internet Options…" under "Tools" of the menu bar)to bypass the proxy server for the local address.Step 3Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.• The "Live" page will be displayed.When the security alert window is displayed, installthe security certificate. (☞ Pages 107 - 110)When "On" is selected for "User auth.", the authen-tication window will be displayed before displayinglive images for the user name and password entries.Important:• When the camera is accessed using the HTTPS pro-tocol, the refresh interval and frame rate of imagesmay be lower.Install the self-signed certificate (security certificate)When using the security certificate as the security certificate used for the HTTPS protocol and when the securitycertificate of the camera to access is not installed on the PC, the security alert window will be displayed each timethe camera is accessed using the HTTPS protocol. To have the security alert window not displayed, it is necessaryto install the security certificate in the following procedure. If the certificate is not installed, the alert window will bedisplayed each time the camera is accessed.Note:• The security certificate is installed on the PC with the information registered for "Common Name". Therefore,the information registered for "Common Name" must be same as the address or host name for the cameraaccess. If the certificate is not the same, the security alert window will be displayed each time the camera isaccessed.• When the address or host name of the camera is changed, the security alert window will be displayed each timethe camera is accessed even if the security certificate is installed. Install the security certificate again.• When the camera access is open to the Internet, enter the address name or host name to access via theInternet for "Common Name". In this case, the security alert window will be displayed each time the camera islocally accessed, even if the security certificate is installed.• When the security certificate is properly installed, a key icon is displayed in the address box of the web browserthat has accessed the camera.(When using Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8)