23English● When inputting HDCP signal, it is possible to daisychain up to 8 displays.● The DVI-D output function is enabled when thepicture is displayed via DVI-D IN. When using thedaisy-chain connection method, all the displaysshould be in the state where the picture is displayedvia DVI-D IN.Pin assignments and signal names for DVI-DInput/OutputPin No. Signal NameT.M.D.S. data 2-T.M.D.S. data 2+T.M.D.S. data 2 shieldDDC clockDDC dataT.M.D.S. data 1-T.M.D.S. data 1+T.M.D.S. data 1 shield+5 V DCGND (Ground)Hot plug detectT.M.D.S. data 0-T.M.D.S. data 0+T.M.D.S. data 0 shieldT.M.D.S. clock shieldT.M.D.S. clock+T.M.D.S. clock-PC IN terminal connectionAUDIO1 INPC INShared with DVI-D IN.Connect a cablewhich matchesthe audio outputterminal on thecomputer.(commerciallyavailable)(Female)(Male)Stereo mini plug(M3)Mini D-sub 15p cable (commercially available)Conversion adapter (if necessary) (commerciallyavailable)Stereo mini plug (M3) cable (commercially available)PCThe type of computer signal that can be connected● With regard to the typical PC input signals thatare described in “Preset Signals” (see page 110),adjustment values such as for the standard picturepositions and sizes have already been stored in thisunit.(Computer signals which can be input are those witha horizontal scanning frequency of 30 to 110 kHz andvertical scanning frequency of 48 to 120 Hz.)● The display resolution is a maximum of 1 440 × 1 080dots when the aspect mode is set to [4:3], and 1 920× 1 080 dots when the aspect mode is set to [16:9].If the display resolution exceeds these maximums, itmay not be possible to show fine detail with sufficientclarity.● In [ENGLISH(US)] OSD language, [16:9] is displayedas [FULL].Note● The PC IN terminal is DDC2B-compatible. If thecomputer being connected is not DDC2B-compatible,you will need to make setting changes to thecomputer at the time of connection.● There is no need to use an adapter for computerswith DOS/V compatible Mini D-sub 15P terminal.