1.5 Making Call FeaturesFeature Guide 511.5 Making Call Features1.5.1 PredialingDescriptionA display proprietary telephone (PT) user can check and correct the number to be dialed on-hook. The callwill be initiated after going off-hook.Conditions• Storing the Predialed Number in Personal Speed DialingThe predialed number can be stored in Personal Speed Dialing by pressing the AUTO DIAL/STOREbutton. (→ Speed Dialing—Personal/System) In this case, the extension will enter personalprogramming mode automatically so that a name can be assigned to the stored number.User Manual References3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode1.5.2 Automatic Extension ReleaseDescriptionAfter going off-hook, if an extension user fails to dial any digits within a preprogrammed time period, the userwill hear a reorder tone. This operation applies to intercom calls only.This feature is also known as Automatic Station Release.Conditions• A proprietary telephone (PT)/portable station (PS) user hears a reorder tone for a preprogrammed timeperiod, and then the PT/PS returns to idle status automatically. A single line telephone (SLT) user willhear a reorder tone until he or she goes on-hook.• This feature works in one of the following cases:When making an intercom calla) The first digit is not dialed within a preprogrammed time period.b) A digit is dialed, but subsequent digits are not dialed within a preprogrammed time period.