7. Select and click a roll paper in the L Paper Source list.8. Select the width of the loaded roll in the M Roll Paper Width list—in this case, ISO A2/A3 Roll (420.0mm).9. In the A Page Size list, click the size of the original as specified in the application. In this case, click ISO A4.10. Select the C Enlarged/Reduced Printing check box.11. Click ISO A4 in the G Paper Size list.12. Click F Scaling and enter 120.Note• You can specify enlargement that exceeds the paper size, but in this case, the portions off the bottomand right edges of the paper will not be printed.• If the original size after enlargement or reduction is smaller than the paper size, the original is printedin the upper-left corner. In this case, you can center originals by selecting E Print Centered on theLayout sheet.13. Confirm the print settings and print as desired.Note• For tips on confirming print settings, see "Confirming Print Settings (Windows) →P.205 "Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Mac OS X)This topic describes how to enlarge originals before printing by entering a scaling value, based on the following example.• Document: Any TypeEnhanced Printing Options > Printing enlargements or reductions >iPF650 Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Mac OS X)379