e-STUDIO200L/202L/203L/230/230L/232/233/280/282/283 © 2004 - 2010 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reservedFIRMWARE UPDATING6 - 2Notes:• < e-STUDIO202L/203L/232/233/282/283 > Before updating the firmware, check the FROMbasic section software version (perform the code 08-920).• < e-STUDIO202L/203L/232/233/282/283 > For updating with the USB Storage Device; Thefirmware can be updated to the latest version by storing the update program together with thefirmware data file for updating in the USB Storage Device.• < e-STUDIO202L/203L/232/233/282/283 > For updating with the download jig; Before theFROM basic section software is updated from "V1.00 / 1.12" or earlier version to the latestone, update it to "V1.00 / 4.22" first. Select all of the SYS, OS, UI and HDD when updating"V1.00 / 1.12" or earlier versions.• Written firmware varies depending on the kinds of the boards provided as service parts. Forupdating, only the minimum firmware is installed on the system control PC board, logic PCboard, and scanning section control PC board. No firmware is installed on the NIC board andFAX board. The latest version of the firmware at the delivery is written on the RADF controlPC board and finisher control PC board.When any of above boards is replaced with a new one in the field, confirm the other firmwareversion used with and then write the suitable version of the firmware.• The firmware (master data) is not installed on the hard disk provided as a service part. Whenthe hard disk is replaced with a new one, confirm the other firmware version used with andthen write the suitable version of the firmware.