© 2004 - 2010 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO200L/202L/203L/230/230L/232/233/280/282/283ERROR CODE AND SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE2 - 24723864 Network Disclosing Telnet ServerfunctionALL 0<0-1>SYS Disclosure of TelnetServer function isswitched.0: Not disclosed1: Disclosed13865 Network Availability of Telnet Server ALL 2<1-2>NIC Availability of TelnetServer is switched.1: Enabled2: Disabled123866 Network Telnet ServerTCP port numberALL 23<1-65535>NIC A port number for Tel-net Server is set.123867 Network Telnet ServerServer administrator's usernameALL Adminmum 15letters>NIC A user name for the Tel-net Server administra-tor is confirmed.123868 Network Telnet ServerServer administrator'spasswordALL Systemmum 15letters>NIC A password for the Tel-net Server administra-tor is set.124016-0 PaperfeedingACC functionwhen adrawer isspecifiedCopying ALL 0<0-1>SYS Sets whether the ACCfunction is enabled onlyfor automatic drawerselection or enabledwhen a particulardrawer is specified aswell.0: Enabled only forautomatic drawerselection1: Enabled when adrawer is specified44016-1 Printing /BOX print-ingALL 0<0-1>SYS 44621 PaperfeedingBypass paper size detec-tion settingPPC/PRT0<0-1>M Detects whether thesize of paper fed bybypass feeding is thesame as the paper sizeset on the control panel.If the sizes are not thesame, the warning mes-sage is displayed(Paper jam does notoccur). When thebypass paper sizedetection is broken, theequipment can be usedwithout the size detec-tion by disabling thissetting. After repair,enable this setting.0: Enabled1: Disabled1Setting mode (08) Code Classifi-cation Items Func-tionDefaultablevalue>RAM Contents Proce-dure10/06 PreviousNext |