March 2000 © TOSHIBA TEC 4-19 DP120F/DP125F Function Settings1.2.12 Receive Interval [MENU], [4], [1], [09]This function insures there will be a period of time set aside to receive incoming facsimilesduring periods of heavy outgoing transmission activity. After every fourth consecutive trans-mission, this machine will wait 0 to 15 minutes to allow incoming facsimiles to be received(default is 3 minutes).(1) Enter the INTERVAL value and press the [ENTER] key.INTERVALSet the value in the range from 0 to 15.(2) After the “OPERATION COMPLETED” message is displayed, press the [STOP] key toreturn to the Standby Mode screen.1.2.13 ECM (Error Correction Mode) [MENU], [4], [1], [10]This is to set whether the Error Correction Mode (ECM) which automatically corrects imagedata affected by line noise or distortion is to be activated or not.(1) Use the [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ] keys to select the desired option (ON or OFF), then press the[ENTER] key.RECEIVE INTERVALINTERVAL=(0-15 MIN)3SET ECM1.ON2.OFFONTo activate the ECM function.OFFTo deactivate the ECM function. In this case, part of the ECM buffer is available to beused as image (PIX) memory.(2) After the “OPERATION COMPLETED” message is displayed, press the [STOP] key toreturn to the Standby Mode.