DP120F/DP125F Circuit Description 7-110 March 2000 © TOSHIBA TECSignal Name Type Active Description DestinationCMD2 O - Optional Recording Paper Tray Select OptionalSignal tray MPUSTA1-3 I - Optional Recording Paper Tray Status I/OP-2 GA1-3 SignalsCMD1 O H Optional Paper Pickup Solenoid Drive OptionalSignal tray MPUPE I L Optional Paper Empty Detect Signal Optionaltray MPUPS0-2 I L Optional Paper Size Detect 0-2 Signals Optionaltray MPUPF O H Optional Pickup Solenoid Drive Signal Q4MT1A, B, O - Optional Paper Tray Motor Phase Signals Motor driverAX, BXPHASE1, 2 O - Optional Paper Tray Motor Current Control Motor driver1 and 2 SignalsFDA, B, O - Optional Paper Tray Motor Drive A, B, Optional paperAX, BX AX and BX Phase Signals tray motorThe recording paper placed in the optional recording paper tray is fed by transmitting the powerobtained by driving the optional paper tray motor connected to CN3 to the pickup roller whilecontrolling the paper feed timing by the optional paper pickup solenoid.To feed the recording paper, the I/OP-2 GA turn the CMD1 signal to HIGH level and sends it tothe Optional tray MPU. The Optional tray MPU sends the I01, I02, I11 and I12 signals and thePHASE1 and PHASE2 signals to the motor driver (IC2). The motor driver generates FDA,FDB, FDAX and FDBX signals based on the signals input and sends them to the optional papertray motor for driving. Then the Optional tray MPU turns the PF signal to HIGH level to turn onQ4. This causes the PF signal to be at GND level to drive the optional paper pickup solenoidand transmit power to the pickup roller for feeding the recording paper.