DP120F/DP125F Dialing and Communication Procedure 9-12 March 2000 © TOSHIBA TEC2.2.4 TrainingThe training signal involves a pre-determined picture signal which is used to check the capabil-ity of the phone line to reliably support facsimile traffic.• Training signalThe training signal is transmitted following DCS with the modem speed to be selected byDCS. At the receiving station, the automatic equalizer is adjusted by the training signal.• Format of the training signal<14.4 K bps, 12 K bps><9600 bps, 7200 bps><4800 bps, 2400 bps>• TCF signalWhen training is not performed correctly, an error may occur in the picture signal. The Txstation transmits a TCF signal and checks if any error occurs in picture data before thepicture data communication to follow. When the Rx station detects an error in the TCFsignal, the Rx station sends an FTT signal to theTx station and request for re-training. Whennormal, a CFR signal is sent instead.The modem speed of TCF signal is the same as the training signal, and it transmits all zerosfor 1.5 seconds.Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4AlterationsofABABEqualizerConditionPatternRatePatternScrambled BinaryData "1" TCF106 msec. 1240 msec. 27 msec. 20 msec.1393 msec.Segment 1 Segment 2, Segment 3 Segment 420 msec. 50 msec. + 160 msec. 20 msec.253 msec.V29 No-signal Repeating two state signals(Binary)ScrambledData "1"(Hexa or Octal)TCFSegment 14800 bps: 923 msec.2400 bps: 1158 msec.V27ter TCFNon-modulatedCarrierContinuous 180°Phase Inversion(Binary)0° to 180° two-phase pattern(Binary)ScrambledData "1"(Hexa or Octal)No-signalSegment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5