S7: Memory configuration14.5 Data listsExtended Functions766 Function Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1Number Identifier: $MN_ Description18320 MM_NUM_FILES_IN_FILESYSTEM Number of files in passive file system18332 MM_FLASH_FILE_SYSTEM_SIZE Size of flash file system on PCNC18342 MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS Maximum table size for sag compensation18350 MM_USER_FILE_MEM_MINIMUM Minimum part-program memory18352 MM_U_FILE_MEM_SIZE End-user memory for part programs/cycles/files18353 MM_M_FILE_MEM_SIZE Memory size for cycles/files of the machinemanufacturer18354 MM_S_FILE_MEM_SIZE Memory size for cycles/files of the NC manufacturer18355 MM_T_FILE_MEM_SIZE Memory size for temporary files18356 MM_E_FILE_MEM_SIZE Memory size for external files18360 MM_EXT_PROG_BUFFER_SIZE FIFO buffer size for execution from external source(DRAM)18362 MM_EXT_PROG_NUM Number of program levels that can be processedsimultaneously from external18370 MM_PROTOC_NUM_FILES Maximum number of log files18371 MM_PROTOC_NUM_ETPD_STD_LIST Number of standard ETPD data lists18372 MM_PROTOC_NUM_ETPD_OEM_LIST Number of ETPD OEM data lists18373 MM_PROTOC_NUM_SERVO_DATA Number of servo data for log18374 MM_PROTOC_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE Log-file buffer size18375 MM_PROTOC_SESS_ENAB_USER User-enabled for sessions18390 MM_COM_COMPRESS_METHOD Supported compression method18400 MM_NUM_CURVE_TABS Number of curve tables (SRAM)18402 MM_NUM_CURVE_SEGMENTS Number of curve segments (SRAM)18403 MM_NUM_CURVE_SEG_LIN Number of linear curve segments (SRAM)18404 MM_NUM_CURVE_POLYNOMS Number of curve table polynomials (SRAM)18406 MM_NUM_CURVE_TABS_DRAM Number of curve tables (DRAM)18408 MM_NUM_CURVE_SEGMENTS_DRAM Number of curve segments (DRAM)18409 MM_NUM_CURVE_SEG_LIN_DRAM Number of linear curve segments (DRAM)18410 MM_NUM_CURVE_POLYNOMS_DRAM Number of curve table polynomials (DRAM)18450 MM_NUM_CP_MODULES Maximum number of CP modules18452 MM_NUM_CP_MODUL_LEAD Maximum number of leading values per CP couplingmodule18500 MM_EXTCOM_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size of external communication task (DRAM)18502 MM_COM_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size in Kbytes of communication task (DRAM)18510 MM_SERVO_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size of servo task (DRAM)18512 MM_IPO_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size of IPO task (DRAM)18520 MM_DRIVE_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size of drive task (DRAM)18540 MM_PLC_TASK_STACK_SIZE Stack size of PLC task (DRAM)18600 MM_FRAME_FINE_TRANS Fine offset for FRAME (SRAM)18601 MM_NUM_GLOBAL_USER_FRAMES Number of globally predefined user frames (SRAM)