K5: Mode groups, channels, axis interchange5.6 Data listsExtended Functions344 Function Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1Number Identifier: $MC_ Description20230 CUTCOM_CURVE_INSERT_LIMIT Maximum angle for intersection calculation with toolradius compensation20240 CUTCOM_MAXNUM_CHECK_BLOCKS Blocks for predictive contour calculation with toolradius compensation20250 CUTCOM_MAXNUM_DUMMY_BLOCKS Max. no. of dummy blocks with no traversingmovements with TRC20270 CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT Basic setting of tool cutting edge without programming20400 LOOKAH_USE_VELO_NEXT_BLOCK Look Ahead to programmed following block velocity20430 LOOKAH_NUM_OVR_POINTS Number of override switch points for Look Ahead20440 LOOKAH_OVR_POINTS[n] Override switch points for LookAhead[Switch point No.]: 0...120500 CONST_VELO_MIN_TIME Minimum time with constant velocity20600 MAX_PATH_JERK Pathrelated maximum jerk20610 ADD_MOVE_ACCEL_RESERVE Acceleration reserve for overlaid movements20650 THREAD_START_IS_HARD Acceleration behavior of axis with thread cutting20700 REFP_NC_START_LOCK NC start disable without reference point20750 ALLOW_GO_IN_G96 G0 logic in G9620800 SPF_END_TO_VDI Subprogram end to PLC21000 CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST Circle end point monitoring constant21010 CIRCLE_ERROR_FACTOR Circle end point monitoring factor21100 ORIENTATION_IS_EULER Angle definition for orientation programming21110 X_AXIS_IN_OLD_X_Z_PLANE Coordinate system for automatic Frame definition21200 LIFTFAST_DIST Traversing path for fast retraction from the contour21250 START_INDEX_R_PARAM Number of first channelspecific R parameterAuxiliary function settings of the channelNumber Identifier: $MC_ Description22000 AUXFU_ASSIGN_GROUP[n] Auxiliary function group[aux. func. no. in channel]: 0...4922010 AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] Auxiliary function type[aux. func. no. in channel]: 0...4922020 AUXFU_ASSIGN_EXTENSION[n] Auxiliary function extension[aux. func. no. in channel]: 0...4922030 AUXFU_ASSIGN_VALUE[n] Auxiliary function value[aux. func. no. in channel]: 0...4922200 AUXFU_M_SYNC_TYPE Output timing of M functions22210 AUXFU_S_SYNC_TYPE Output timing of S functions22220 AUXFU_T_SYNC_TYPE Output timing of T functions22230 AUXFU_H_SYNC_TYPE Output timing of H functions