H1: Manual and handwheel travel3.11 Special features relating to manual and handwheel travelExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 209Stationary state detectionA stationary state is detected by the Ethernet modules to which the handwheel is connected.If a handwheel does not transfer any handwheel pulses for a defined period of time, themodule detects this to be a stationary state and transfers it to the NC/PLC interface:NC/PLC interface signal Value Description0 Handwheel 1 is operatedDB10, DBX245.01 Handwheel 1 is stationary0 Handwheel 2 is operatedDB10, DBX245.11 Handwheel 2 is stationary0 Handwheel 3 is operatedDB10, DBX245.21 Handwheel 3 is stationaryBy evaluating the signal, it is possible to reduce the overtravel of an axis traversed via thehandwheel, due to the handwheel pulses that have been collected in the control but not yettransferred to the interpolator for traversing purposes. To do this, deletion of the distance-to-go must be triggered for the relevant axis or in the channel when a stationary state isdetected:● DB31,... DBX2.2 = 1 (axial deletion of distance-to-go)● DB21,... DBX6.2 = 1 (channel-spec. deletion of distance-to-go)3.11 Special features relating to manual and handwheel travel3.11.1 Manual travel of geometry/orientation axesCoordinate systems in JOGIn JOG mode, the user can also traverse the axes declared as geometry axes in theworkpiece coordinate system manually. Any coordinate offsets or rotations that have beenselected remain active.NoteIn the JOG mode, using the "Handling transformation package" for SINUMERIK 840D sl, thetranslation of geometry axes in several valid references systems can be set separately fromone another.Reference:Function Manual, Special Functions; Multi-Axis Transformations (F2), Section: "Cartesianmanual travel"