M5: Measurement7.5 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 457Value Meaning2100..2199 $P_UIFR[0..99] settable frame in data management2500 $P_TOOLFR System frame in data management2501 $P_WPFR System frame in data management2502 $P_TRAFR System frame in data management2504 $P_CYCFR System frame in data management2505 $P_RELFR (workpiececoordinate system)System frame in data management2506 $P_RELFR (SZS) System frame in data management3010..3025 $P_CHBFR[0..15] Channel-spec. Basic frames with active G500 indata management3050..3065 $P_NCBFR[0..15] NCU-global basic frames with active G500 in datamanagementThe MEASURE( ) function calculates frame $AC_MEAS_FRAME according to the specifiedframe.In the case of values0 to 1065, the calculation is performed using the active frame.2000 to 3065, the calculation is performed with reference to the selected frame in datamanagement. The frame selection in data management is not supported for measurementtypes 14 and 15. A frame does not have to be active in order to select it in datamanagement. In this case, the calculation is performed as if the frame were active in thechain.The measuring point is transformed in the selected system and the selected frame isdetermined using the entire frame including the selected frame. Preset actual value memoryis active only after compensation and activation of the frame.In the case of valuesWith active G500 active (1010..1025, 1050..1065, 3010..3025, 3050..3065), the target frameis calculated so that G500 must be active after the frame is selected so that the setpointposition can be calculated.Conversion into another coordinate systemIf a position is to be converted to a position in another coordinate system, the followingvariables can be used to specify the composition of the desired frame chain:Type System variable Meaning ValuesINT $AC_MEAS_CHSFR Selection of system frames Bit mask corresponding to MD28082$MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASKINT $AC_MEAS_NCBFR Selection of global basic frames Bit mask (0 ... FFFF)INT $AC_MEAS_CHBFR Selection of channel basic frames Bit mask (0 ... FFFF)INT $AC_MEAS_UIFR Selection of settable frames 0 ... 99INT $AC_MEAS_PFRAME Programmable frame 0: is included1: is not included