B3: Distributed systems - 840D sl only2.2 NCU linkExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 101$[LVFRQWDLQHU&76ORW6ORW6ORW6ORW1&B$;1&B$;1&B$;1&B$;Figure 2-11 Example: Axis container CT1 with four slotsRulesThe following rules must be observed with regard to axis containers:● All machine axes of an axis container may be assigned to just one channel axis at anyone time.● Multiple slots of an axis container must not reference the same machine axis.● At any one time, only one channel is authorized to write to a machine axis, directly or viaa container axis.● Several geometry and/or special axes of a channel can also be assigned to the containeraxes of an axis container.Assignment: Geometry or special axis → container axisIn the logical machine axis image MD10002 $MN_AXCONF_LOGIC_MACHAX_TAB, acontainer axis can be assigned as a machine axis via container and slot to a geometry orspecial axis, e.g. CONTAINER "CT1", slot "1":MD10002 $MN_AXCONF_LOGIC_MACHAX_TAB[ n ] = CT1_SL1During the traversing of the geometry or special axis, the machine axis assigned at this timeto slot 1 then traverses.Axis container rotationAn axis container rotation is always performed when all channels involved on the axiscontainer have granted their enable with a program command. After the axis containerrotation, other machine axes are assigned to the geometry or special axes of the channels.The setting data specifies the increment of an axis container rotation.See Section "Parameterization (Page 103)".