K3: Compensations4.8 Data listsExtended Functions302 Function Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1Number Identifier: $MA_ Description32560 FRICT_COMP_ACCEL2 Adaptation acceleration value 232570 FRICT_COMP_ACCEL3 Adaptation acceleration value 332580 FRICT_COMP_INC_FACTOR Weighting factor for friction compensation value forshort traversing motion32610 VELO_FFW_WEIGHT Feedforward control factor for velocity/speedfeedforward control32620 FFW_MODE Feedforward control mode32630 FFW_ACTIVATION_MODE Activate feedforward control from program32650 AX_INERTIA Inertia for torque feedforward control32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE Interpolatory compensation32710 CEC_ENABLE Enabling of sag compensation32711 CEC_SCALING_SYSTEM_METRIC System of units for sag compensation32720 CEC_MAX_SUM Maximum compensation value for sag compensation32730 CEC_MAX_VELO Change of velocity during sag compensation32750 TEMP_COMP_TYPE Temperature compensation type32760 COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR Velocity increase as a result of compensation32711 CEC_SCALING_SYSTEM_METRIC System of units for sag compensation32800 EQUIV_CURRCTRL_TIME Equivalent time constant current control loop forfeedforward control32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME Equivalent time constant speed control loop forfeedforward control32910 DYN_MATCH_TIME Time constant for dynamic response adaptation36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL Maximum tolerance for position actual valueswitchover38000 MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS Number of interpolation points with interpolatorycompensation4.8.2 Setting data4.8.2.1 General setting dataNumber Identifier: $SN_ Description41300 CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[t] Enable evaluation of beam sag compensationtable41310 CEC_TABLE_WEIGHT[t] Weighting factor for beam sag compensationtable