M5: Measurement7.5 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 459The variable $AC_MEAS_TOOL_SCREEN can assume the following values:Value Meaning0x0 All tool lengths are considered (default setting).0x1 Tool radius is not included in the calculation0x2 Tool position in x direction (G19)0x4 Tool position in y direction (G18)0x8 Tool position in y direction (G17)0x10 Tool length is not included in the calculation0x20 Length of the active tool is included in the coordinate transformation of a position.0x40 Tool position in x direction.0x80 Tool position in y direction.0x100 Tool position in z direction.0x200 Tool length differential values are included negatively.Whether or not the radius of a milling tool is included in the calculation can be determinedfrom the tool position and approach direction. If the approach direction is not specifiedexplicitly, it is determined by the selected plane.Plane Approach directionG17 -z directionG18 - y direction:G19 - x direction7.5.2.2 Measurement selectionThe measurement is selected by means of the following variable:Type System variable DescriptionINT $AC_MEAS_TYPE Measurement type selectionThe variable $AC_MEAS_TYPE can assume the following values:Value Description0 Default1 Edge_x Measuring the x edge2 Edge_y Measuring the y edge3 Edge_z Measuring the z edge4 Corner_1 Measuring Corner 15 Corner_2 Measuring Corner 26 Corner_3 Measuring Corner 37 Corner_4 Measuring Corner 48 Hole Measuring a hole