K3: Compensations4.6 Friction compensation (quadrant error compensation)Extended Functions288 Function Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA14.6.2 Supplementary conditionsNoteSwitch off setpoint-related compensationsThe following compensations affect the position setpoint and must be switched off before themeasurement of the axes involved in the circularity test:• Sag and angularity compensation (CEC):MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE[ ] = 0• Direction-dependent leadscrew error compensation:MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE[ ] = 0• Temperature compensation:MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE[ ] = 04.6.3 Friction compensation with a constant compensation value4.6.3.1 Function activationEnableThe general enabling of the friction compensation is via:MD32490 $MA_FRICT_COMP_MODE[ ] = 1ActivationThe activation of the friction compensation with constant compensation value is via:● MD32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE[ ] = 1 (friction compensation ON)● MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE[ ] = 0 (adaptation OFF)ParametersThe following parameters are calculated for friction compensation with constantcompensation value:● MD32520 $MA_FRICT_COMP_CONST_MAX (maximum compensation value)For friction compensation with constant compensation value, the parameterized value isinjected as compensation value.● MD32540 $MA_FRICT_COMP_TIME (friction compensation time constant)The compensation value is injected via a DT1 filter. The compensation value decaysaccording to the parameterized time constants. PreviousNext |