H1: Manual and handwheel travel3.4 Handwheel travel in JOGExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 169Supplementary conditionsNC stopWith NC stop present, no travel command and, therefore, no travel request is output. Thereis an exception with DRF travel: If DRF travel is permitted in the NC stop state via machinedata MD20624 $MC_HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_COND (bit 13 == 1), the behaviorcorresponds to that of handwheel travel.3.4.4 Double use of the handwheelAlarm 14320The double use of a handwheel for DRF and velocity or distance overlay, including contourhandwheel, is suppressed and is displayed using the self-clearing alarm 14320 (Handwheel%1 used twice (%2) in channel %3 axis %4), if, different influences can act on an axis as aresult of the handwheel.This means that an overlaid movement can only be executed when no DRF offset (triggeredby the same handwheel) is active for the axes in the basic coordinate system that areinvolved in the movement, i.e., the DRF movement must have been terminated.If an overlaid movement has been started, no DRF offset can be started for any of the axesinvolved that are supplied by the same handwheel. Such a DRF movement is only possiblewhen the movement with overlay has reached its end point or has been aborted by deletedistance-to-go or RESET.If the handwheel override and DRF offset are to be active simultaneously, this is possiblewith activation of two separate handwheels.Example: Path overrideAssumption:Channel 1 and geometry axis X correspond to machine axis 3 and geometry axis Ycorresponds to machine axis 5 and handwheel 2 is selected for the first geometry axis.If block X10 Y10 FD=0 is processed in the main run, neither machine axis 3 nor machineaxis 5 can be traversed with DRF via handwheel 2. If handwheel 2 is assigned to machineaxis 3 while the channel-specific DRF signal is active, then alarm 14320 (Handwheel 2 usedtwice (8) in channel 1 axis X) is signaled.If machine axis 3 or machine axis 5 is traversed with DRF using the 2nd handwheel, thenmotion X10 Y10 FD=0 cannot be executed and alarm 14320 (handwheel 2 used twice (3) inchannel 1 axis X) or alarm 14320 (handwheel 2 used twice (3) in channel 1 axis Y) issignaled.