M5: Measurement7.5 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 461Type System variable DescriptionREAL $AC_MEAS_CORNER_ANGLE Calculated angle of intersection ϕREAL $AC_MEAS_DIAMETER Calculated diameterREAL $AC_MEAS_TOOL_LENGTH Calculated tool lengthREAL $AC_MEAS_RESULTS[10] Calculation results (depending on$AC_MEAS_TYPE) Calculation methodActivating the calculationThe calculation is activated by an HMI operator action with PI service _N_SETUDT. This Plservice can accept one of the following parameter types:Type Meaning1 Active tool offset2 Active basic frames3 Active settable frame4 Global basic frames5 Global settable frames6 Calculate workpiece zero or tool lengths7 Activate workpiece zero (write scratching)8 Activate external work offset9 Activate active tool carrier, TCOABS and PAROTThe change becomes apparent immediately in the reset state. In the stop state, the frame isretracted at the next start.NoteThe PI service can be executed only in the reset and stop states. In the case of workpiecemeasurement, the calculated frame is activated immediately with type no. 7. In the case oftool measurement, the PI service must not be dispatched with type no. 7, since a zero pointdoes not have to be activated.Activation in the Stop stateThe new WCS positions are refreshed in the Stop state. With the continuation start on thepart program, the distance-to-go of the interrupted block is deleted. Traversal is made fromthe current position to the end point of the next block.Therefore, it is also possible in the Stop state to start a spindle in the MDA mode or in thepart program and set and scratch an actual value with M0. Another measurement can alsobe performed.