H1: Manual and handwheel travel3.5 Handwheel override in automatic modeExtended Functions170 Function Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1Example: Velocity override of positioning axisAssumption:Channel 1: Channel axis A corresponds to machine axis 4 and handwheel 1 is assigned tothis axis.If block POS[A]=100 FDA[A]=0 is processed in the main run, machine axis 4 cannot betraversed with DRF. This means that if the channel-specific DRF signal is active, alarm14320 (Handwheel 1 used twice (6) in channel 1 axis A) is signaled.If machine axis 4 is traversed with DRF, then no POS[A]=100 FDA[A]=0 movement can beexecuted while a DRF movement is being performed. Alarm 14320 (Handwheel 1 used twice(1) in channel 1 axis A) is signaled.Example: Distance overlay PLC axis (840D sl)Assumption:Channel 1: Handwheel 2 is assigned to machine axis 4.If an axis movement with path override of the 4th machine axis triggered by FC18 isprocessed in the main run, machine axis 4 cannot be traversed with DRF. This means that ifthe channel-specific DRF signal is active, alarm 14320 (Handwheel 2 used twice (9) inchannel 1 axis A) is signaled.If machine axis 4 is traversed with DRF, then no axis movement with path override triggeredby FC18 can be executed while a DRF movement is being performed. Alarm 14320(Handwheel 2 used twice (4) in channel 1 axis A) is signaled.3.5 Handwheel override in automatic mode3.5.1 General functionalityFunctionWith this function it is possible to traverse axes or to change their velocities directly with thehandwheel in automatic mode (Automatic, MDA).The handwheel override is activated in the NC part program using the NC languageelements FD (for path axes) and FDA (for positioning axes) and is non-modal.With positioning axes, it is possible to activate the handwheel override modally usingtraverse command POSA. When the programmed target position is reached, the handwheeloverride becomes inactive again.Additional axes can be traversed simultaneously or using interpolation in the same NC block.The concurrent-positioning-axes function can also be activated by the PLC user program.