K3: Compensations4.4 Interpolatory compensationExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1BP40-3BA1 237NoteCompensation tables can only be loaded if the corresponding compensation function isnot active:• MD32700 $MA_ENC_COMP_ENABLE (interpolatory compensation) = 0• MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE (enable sag compensation) = 0These compensation values are not lost when the control is switched off because they arestored in the static user memory. They can be updated if necessary (e.g. following re-measuring because of machine aging).NoteWhen changing machine data:• MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS• MD38000 $MA_MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTSis formatted during the next system run-up of the static user memory (see Section "S7:Memory configuration (Page 755)").Linear interpolation between interpolation pointsThe traversing path to be compensated delineated by the start and end positions is dividedup into several (number depends on error curve shape) path segments of equal size (seediagram below). The actual positions that limit these sub-paths are referred to as"interpolation points" below. A compensation value must be entered for each interpolationpoint (actual position) during commissioning. The compensation value applied between twointerpolation points is generated on the basis of linear interpolation using the compensationvalues for the adjacent interpolation points (i.e. adjacent interpolation points are linked alonga line).Q,QWHUSRODWLRQSRLQW/LQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQ(UURUFXUYH&RPSHQVDWLRQFXUYH&RPSHQVDWLRQYDOXHRIFRPSHQVDWLRQD[LV3RVLWLRQRIEDVHD[LVQ Q QFigure 4-4 Linear interpolation between the interpolation points