56 Alarm Buzzer SettingThis item lets you select the ringing duration of the built-inalarm buzzer when an alarm is activated.1. Move the cursor to the ALARM BUZZER parameter inthe ALARM SETUP menu by pressing the D or C but-ton.2. Select the desired duration by pressing the + or -button.OFF: Disables alarm buzzer, regardless of an incomingalarm.1S - 30S, 40S, 50S, 1M -5M: Selects an alarm durationbetween 1 second and 5 minutes.EXT: Alarm buzzer continues to beep until the ALARMRESET button is pressed or the external alarmrecover signal is received from the ALARM port.The factory default setting is 2S. Video Loss Alarm SettingThis item lets you enable or disable the video loss alarmfunction when the Disk Recorder detects the interruption ofthe video signal.1. Move the cursor to the VIDEO LOSS parameter in theALARM SETUP menu by pressing the D or C button.2. Select either ON or OFF by pressing the + or - but-ton.ON: Enables the video loss function.OFF: Disables the video loss function.The factory default setting is ON. Video Motion Detector SettingThe following settings are available when the MotionDetector Board (Optional) is installed.This item lets you enable or disable the motion detectorfunction when the Disk Recorder detects a motion on thevideo image.1. Move the cursor to the VIDEO MOTION DETECTIONparameter in the ALARM SETUP menu by pressing theD or C button.2. Select either ON or OFF by pressing the+ or - button.ON: Enables the motion detector function.OFF: Disables the motion detector function.The factory default setting is OFF.3. Move the cursor to VMD AREA SETUP in the ALARMSETUP menu by pressing the D or C button, thenpress the SET button.The VMD AREA SETUP table shown below appears onthe monitor screen.6-2 VMD AREA SETUPCAM SENSITIVITY CAM SENSITIVITY1 *OFF 9 *OFF2 *OFF 10 *OFF3 *OFF 11 *OFF4 *OFF 12 *OFF5 *OFF 13 *OFF6 *OFF 14 *OFF7 *OFF 15 *OFF8 *OFF 16 *OFF4. Move the cursor to the sensitivity editing area for thecamera by pressing the A, B, D or C button, thenselect the desired mode by pressing the + or - but-ton.OFF: Disables the motion detector function.LOW: Selects lower sensitivity.MID: Selects normal sensitivity.HIGH: Selects higher sensitivity.The factory default setting is OFF.5. If the parameter is set to something other than OFF instep 4, press the SET button.The detecting area setting window as shown belowappears on the monitor.1+AREA SET/ERASE:PRESS[SET] AT CORNER