26MIRRORING FUNCTIONThe mirroring function uses an auxiliary array of inexpen-sive disks to record the same data on two disks at the sametime.If an error or malfunction occurs on one of the hard disks,the other disk still records the data normally. This ensuresreliability of the system, since the data will always be avail-able on one of the disks.Camera ImagesRecording AuxiliaryRecordingManual RecorderGroup 1TimerRecorderGroup 2Group 3Group 4Emergency RecorderManual RecorderGroup 1TimerRecorderGroup 2Group 3Group 4Emergency RecorderWJ-HD500 Disk 1 (Master) WJ-HD500 Disk 2 (Slave)To use this function, the Disk Recorder must be equippedwith an optional internal hard disk. Refer to the installationfor details of installing the disk.Note: It is recommended to set up this function whenthe Disk Recorder is operated for the first time.Otherwise the previously recorded data will beerased by activating this function.The mirroring function can only be set during the power upprocedure, as shown below.1. Turn on the Disk recorder by pressing the POWERswitch located on the rear of the Disk Recorder. Makesure that the OPERATE indicator on the front panel isilluminated.2. After you completed the start, the Disk Recorder will runthrough a series of instructions for the system on theMultiscreen Monitor.[ SYSTEM CHECK ]PLEASE WAIT3. If the Disk Recorder is powered up successfully, thedisplays as shown below will appear.Press the SET UP/ESC button within five seconds, andthe DISK MENU shown below will appear on the moni-tor.[ SYSTEM CHECK ]SYSTEM CHECK DONE!PLEASE WAITDISK MENU: [SETUP] KEY4. Move the cursor to “FORMAT” on the table by pressingthe A, B, D or C button, then press the SET button.The FORMAT MENU will appear on the monitor.FORMAT MENUMAIN 1:30GB 2:30GBEXT5 1:30GB 2:30GB 3:30GB 4:30GBEXT4 1:ADD 2:ADD 3:ADD 4:ADDEXT3 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT2 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT1 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT0 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT DVD:-PASSWORDB*****DISK MENUMAIN 1:30GB 2:30GBEXT5 1:30GB 2:30GB 3:30GB 4:30GBEXT4 1:* 2:* 3:ADD 4:ADDEXT3 1:LOST 2:LOST 3:LOST 4:LOSTEXT2 1:LOST 2:LOST 3:LOST 4:LOSTEXT1 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT0 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT DVD:-REMOVE FORMATRESTARTSELECT ITEM AND PRESS [SET] KEY