44Note: The program number menu (with audio) displaysonly the Group 1 editing area.5. Move the cursor to the time editing area (NO. 1) bypressing the D or C button.6. Move the cursor to the time to start and end the record-ing by pressing the A or B button, then select the timeby pressing the + or - button.Notes:• If the time (No.1) to end the recording is set to24:00, the editing function for the timers (No. 2 toNo. 4) is disabled.• If the time (No.1) to end the recording is set to12:00, the time (No. 2) to start a recording cannotbe set to a time before 12:00.7. Move the cursor to the recording editing area forgroups by pressing the A or B button, then select therecording mode for groups by pressing the + or -button.T/L: Time Lapse RecordingM/S: Multi Shot RecordingO/S: One Shot Recording—: Disables RecordingNote: For further recording settings, refer to the record-ing mode selected described later.7. Move the cursor to the editing area (NO. 2 to NO. 4) bypressing the D or C button, then repeat the steps 6and 7 to edit the schedule.8. When all settings are completed, press the SETUP/ESC button to return to the previous TIMER RECSETUP menu.3-1 PROG1(WITHOUT AUDIO)NO START END G1 G2 G3 G41 0:00 24:00 T/L T/L T/L T/LRATE 7.5 7.5 1 102 -:-- -:-- M/S - O/S O/SRATE 10 5 13 -:-- -:-- M/S M/S M/S M/SRATE 5 2 2 54 -:-- -:-- O/S M/S - M/SRATE 15 10 10SET TOTAL REC RATE ON EACH TABLEG1+G2+G3+G4= UNDER 30FPS3-1 PROG1(WITH AUDIO)NO START END G11 0:00 24:00 T/LRATE 7.52 -:-- -:-- M/SRATE 103 -:-- -:-- M/SRATE 54 -:-- -:-- O/SRATE 15Timer Recording SetupThe Disk Recorder can record the images triggered by theinternal timer.The internal timer comprises four event times common tothe recording groups, and is programmed in the setup.1. Move the cursor to TIMER in the WJ-HD500 SETUPmenu by pressing the D or C button.2. Select either audio recording display by pressing the+ or - button, then press the SET button.The TIMER REC SETUP menu according to the speci-fied audio function will appear on the monitor screen. Program TimerThese items let you set the program timer for each day ofthe week.1. Move the cursor to the program editing area for eachday in the TIMER REC SETUP menu by pressing the Dor C button.2. Select a program timer (PROG1 to PROG4) to beassigned for the day.It is recommended to assign a program to a weekday, aweekend or on a daily basis.Selecting (---) will disable the program timer.3. Repeat the above step to assign the program timer forother days.4. Move the cursor to the assigned program number(PROG1), then press the SET button.The assigned program number menu as shown belowappears on the monitor screen.3 TIMER REC SETUP(WITH AUDIO)PROGRAMSUNDAY ---MONDAY ---TUESDAY ---WEDNESDAY ---THURSDAY ---FRIDAY ---SATURDAY ---DAILY PROG1TIMER SPECIAL DAYEXT REC MODE PROG1