22POWER UP PROCEDUREBefore operating the Disk Recorder, confirm that the cam-eras and peripherals are connected correctly and securelyand all system components are turned on.1. Turn on the Disk recorder by pressing the POWERswitch located on the rear of the Disk Recorder. Makesure that the OPERATE indicator on the front panel isilluminated.2. After you completed the start, the Disk Recorder will runthrough a series of instructions for the system on theMultiscreen Monitor.3. If the Disk Recorder is powered up successfully, thedisplay as shown below appears, then the cameraimages appear on the monitor screen.[ SYSTEM CHECK ]PLEASE WAITNotes:If during a system check the display shown belowappears on the monitor screen, it will be followed bythe DISK MENU after five seconds.[ SYSTEM CHECK ]SYSTEM CHECK DONE!PLEASE WAITDISK MENU: [SETUP] KEYThe DISK MENU-Display indicates the status of thehard disks, and shows the causes why this menuwas called up.•Optional Extension Unit is installed [ADD]Requires disk formatting in the Extension Unit.•Replaced Hard Disk [✽]Requires disk formatting for a replaced HardDisk.•Detached Hard Disk [LOST]Requires disk relocation in the system.•Hard Disk malfunctions [✽]Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.[ SYSTEM CHECK ]YOU HAVE TO CONFIGURE DISKSPLEASE WAITDISK MENUMAIN 1:30GB 2:30GBEXT5 1:30GB 2:30GB 3:30GB 4:30GBEXT4 1:* 2:* 3:ADD 4:ADDEXT3 1:LOST 2:LOST 3:LOST 4:LOSTEXT2 1:LOST 2:LOST 3:LOST 4:LOSTEXT1 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT0 1:- 2:- 3:- 4:-EXT DVD:-REMOVE FORMATRESTARTSELECT ITEM AND PRESS [SET] KEY