66 Password Lock SettingThe system setup and operations can be password protect-ed to prevent a malfunction of the system due to accidentalerasure of data, alteration of settings or erroneous opera-tions by unauthorized persons.There are two passwords, defining the operational restric-tions, as shown below.ALL: Both normal operations and setup operations areallowed.OPERATION: Only normal operations are allowed. Auto Button Locked SettingThis item lets you enable or disable the button lock functionautomatically.1. Move the cursor to the AUTO KEY LOCK parameter inthe SYSTEM SETUP menu by pressing the C or D but-ton.2. Select either ON or OFF by pressing the + or - but-ton.OFF: No protection is applied until the LOCK button ispressed.ON: Enables the button lock function automatically if nooperation takes place within about 5 seconds.The factory default setting is OFF. Password SettingThe items below let you determine the password for thebutton lock function.1. Move the cursor to PASSWORD ALL in the SYSTEMSETUP menu by pressing the C or D button, thenpress the SET button.The cursor moves to the right editing area.2. Select a 5-digit password in the editing area.Select the first digit by pressing the + or - button.3. Move the cursor to the right by pressing the B button,then select a digit by pressing the + or - button.4. Repeat the above steps 2 and 3 until the password iscompleted.5. When the password is completed, press the SETUP/ESC button to return the cursor to ALL.6. Similarly repeat the above steps 1 to 5 to set the pass-word for OPERATION. Buzzer SettingThis item lets you enable or disable the buzzer soundaccompanying operation of the Disk Recorder’s buttons.1. Move the cursor to the BUZZER parameter in the SYS-TEM SETUP menu by pressing the D or C button.2. Select either ON or OFF by pressing the + or - but-ton.ON: Enables the buzzer.OFF: Disables the buzzer.The factory default setting is ON. User Defined SettingThis item lets you select either save or load the userdefined setting previously made in the setup menu.1. Move the cursor to the USER DEFINED SETUP parame-ter in the SYSTEM SETUP menu by pressing the D orC button.2. Select either mode by pressing the + or - button.SAVE: Saves the settings currently made as the userdefined settings.LOAD: Restores the settings to the user defined set-tings previously saved.The factory default setting is LOAD.3. Press the SET button to display the selected modesetup menu as shown below.9-1 USER DEFINED SETUPLOAD USER DEFINED SETUPYES NO[SET]:EXECUTE9-2 USER DEFINED SETUPSAVE USER DEFINED SETUPYES NO