75EnglishSerial daisy chain positionSet the first and last terminals in the chain when theSERIAL IN/OUT terminal of this unit is connected usinga daisy chain scheme.[---]:When controlling this unit alone with serial control,or connecting at a position other than the first andlast terminals in a daisy chain[Top]:When connecting at the first terminal in a daisychain[End]:When connecting at the last terminal in a daisychainLAN control protocolSelect the LAN control protocol.[Protocol 1]:Control with the Panasonic Display sequence.[Protocol 2]:Control with the sequence that is compatible withPanasonic Projector.Note● For PJLink and WEB browser control, the operation ispossible regardless of the setting.● When operating the “Early Warning Software” or“Multi Monitoring & Control Software”, select [Protocol2].Information timingSet up the informing manner for no signal ortemperature rising.During RS-232C controls:Warning or error message sent from the displayautomatically.During LAN controls:Acquire the warning or error message from thedisplay.1 Select the item with .Select the set point with .Information timingNo signal warningNo signal warning timingTemperature warningNo signal errorNo signal error timingOn5minOn10minOn[No signal warning]When set to [On], the display sends out the no signalwarning.[No signal warning timing]Set up the detecting time for no signal warning.(Range: 01 ‒ 60, Interval: 1 minute)[No signal error]When set to [On], the display sends out the no signalerror.[No signal error timing]Set up the detecting time for no signal error.(Range: 01 ‒ 90, Interval: 1 minute)● The warning of [No signal warning] and the errorof [No signal error] are not sent when the no signalstate is detected through any of the followingfunctions:[No signal power off], [HDMI1 power management],[HDMI2 power management], [DIGITAL LINKpower management], [DVI-D power management],[PC power management] (see page 51)Setting Example:● If there is no signal when [PC IN] is input, [PCpower management] is activated first and theDisplay enters the standby mode.[No signal warning timing]: 5 minutes[No signal error timing]: 10 minutes[PC power management]: [On] (60 seconds)Note● The [No signal error timing] cannot be set shorterthan [No signal warning timing].● Even when a USB memory is connected, if thereis no playable file, the unit determines no signal ispresent.[Temperature warning]When set to [On], the display sends out the warningmessage.