61English■ DIGITAL LINK status(TH-65SF2E only)Display the DIGITAL LINK connection environment.Select [DIGITAL LINK status] with and press.-YY dB-XX dBDIGITAL LINK statusLINK statusHDMI statusSignal qualityMinMaxNo linkNo HDMI[LINK status]:1 of the followings will be displayed.[No link]:No LAN connection, etc.[DIGITAL LINK]:Connected to the DIGITAL LINK device by LAN.[Long reach]:Communication method is set to [Long reach] andis connected to the DIGITAL LINK device by LAN.[Ethernet]:The PC is connected to the DIGITAL LINK / LANterminal of this product and is LAN connected.[HDMI status]:Displays the connection status of the HDMI format.1 of the followings will be displayed.[No HDMI]:DIGITAL LINK not connected[HDMI on]:DIGITAL LINK connected[HDCP on]:HDCP supported on DIGITAL LINK[Signal quality]:It is the quantified minimum and maximum numbersof errors that have occurred. The display colours arered, yellow, or green, depending on the number.Signal quality DisplayColoursReceptionStatus-12dB or below Green Good-11 to -8dB Yellow Bad-7dB or above Red Terrible● The number is represented by yellow or red ifthe LAN cable is disconnected or the cable is notshielded.● This signal quality shows figures between thetwisted pair cable transmitter that is connected andthe display.■ DIGITAL LINK menu(TH-65SF2E only)Displays the setting menu of Digital Interface Box.Select [DIGITAL LINK menu] with and press.Note● This function can only be selected when thePanasonic device that supports DIGITAL LINK output(ET-YFB100G, ET-YFB200G) is connected to aDIGITAL LINK / LAN terminal and its power is on.● For details, refer to the manuals of the devices thatsupport DIGITAL LINK output.■ [AMX D. D.]Set whether to allow the Display to be detected by AMXDevice Discovery.[On]:Enables detection by AMX Device Discovery.[Off]:Disables detection by AMX Device Discovery.● For more details, visit the following web site.http://www.amx.com/■ [Crestron Connected™]When this function is set to [On], the Display canbe monitored or controlled via the network usingequipment and application software of CrestronElectronics, Inc.This Display supports the following application softwarefrom Crestron Electronics, Inc.• RoomView ® Express• Fusion RV ®• RoomView ® Server Edition[Crestron Connected™] is a function to connect toa system developed by Crestron Electronics, Inc.which manages and controls multiple system devicesconnected to the network.● For details of “Crestron Connected™”, refer to theCrestron Electronics, Inc. web site (Provided only inEnglish).http://www.crestron.com/For the download of “RoomView ® Express”, refer tothe Crestron Electronics, Inc. web site (Provided onlyin English).http://www.crestron.com/getroomview■ [Extron XTP]Set to [On] when connecting XTP Transmitter made byExtron to DIGITAL LINK terminal.● For more details on Extron, visit the following website.http://www.extron.com